Thursday, October 16, 2008

Greedy Bunny

I was joking with my hubby last night that whatever under our adoption will be greedy creatures. He stopped a while and think... That's really a fact that Fatty, Blackie, Xiao Yu are non-stopping eater. I was wondering is this something related to the fate on our pets, because the owner [me] is also the same kind, who might be even more greedy. Hahaha...

In Chinese dictionary, people said : "食得是福 "。 We should always appreciate and thankful of the food we have everyday. There are thousands of people starving in this world, whom we may never know.

Blackie is really a traditional non-stop eater. Whenever you replenish the food to her bowl, she will continue to chew, slowly. Look at the way she enjoy her deserved food. She always stay on focus and watchful, yet still very enjoy the food.

"Hey, what do you want from me ? That's my food."

"Keep away the camera from me. I'm busy chewing ..."