Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Digging Competition 2009

Digging Competition become the hottest topic on the beginning year of 2009 , between Fatty and Blackie. This become a MUST activity whenever they're out from their cage. You can find the same venue between this 2 competitors. And of course, same 'digging tools' to be used - little short hand.

Competitor #1 - Fatty
1.) Using 2nd digging tools - teeth, to speed up the digging process
2.) Using 3rd digging tools - chin, to smoothen the wall surface to see how deep and how long he should keep on digging
3.) Vision must be clear and fast, run for his life whenever being discovered

Competitor #2 - Blackie
1.) Fur color protected herself from being discovered by anyone - She is 100% SAFE !
2.) Pause a while to think if this is the correct way of digging ? Try to play to the score tactically.
3.) Always keep the momentum to dig... dig... and dig...

And the WINNER is ... Blackie !!!

Watch out the videos and it tells you why.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Violent Bunny

Sometimes, a docile bunny can also become violent.

You'll be able to notice this situation when below incident happen :

1.) When your bunny is relax and lying into the cage looking for a nap, but you insist to pull them out from their cage, he will stare at you and escape from you.

2.) They did not pee before they're out for playing time. He will bite you if he really cannot control and need immediate pee. So becareful !

The MOST violence incident is - When you lock their cage door and they cannot open it, they will react fiercely and use all the strength to unlock the door. OMG, look at Fatty on the camera, he is really STRONG and VIOLENT !!!